Can you solo travel after 30?
One of the most common questions on digital nomad and solo travel forums is some form of: Are you allowed to travel solo after 30? Can you be a digital nomad over 40? The answer… Read More »Can you solo travel after 30?
One of the most common questions on digital nomad and solo travel forums is some form of: Are you allowed to travel solo after 30? Can you be a digital nomad over 40? The answer… Read More »Can you solo travel after 30?
Whether you’ve already got your first trip booked in a couple of years, or you’re planning your first post-pandemic vacation, these tips will help you take care of that anxious trip-planner in your skull. Tip… Read More »5 mental health tips for your first trip after the pandemic
Anxieties about relapse, having a psychotic break, struggling with depersonalization, or just having a classic panic attack while traveling, is just generally one of the travel mental health topics I get asked about the most.… Read More »What if you lose control while traveling?
It is not this Guide’s intention to mess with any strongly held beliefs you have about being introverted. But as I’ve worked with people over the past 10 years on their mental health journeys, it’s… Read More »Introvert or social anxiety?